Yom Kippur at UChicago Hillel

Yom Kippur 2015/5776
Reform, Orthodox and Conservative services will be available through Hillel for Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur. During the holiday there are opportunities, learning, reflection and community building and Hillel building will be an open space available all day.
All Hillel-led services will be held at Ida Noyes Hall at 1212 E. 59th Street.
High Holiday services are also available at congregations KAM Isaiah Israel and Rodfei Zedek.
Pre-Yom Kippur Meal
Tuesday, 9/22
5:00- 6:00
Hillel, 5715 S. Woodlawn Ave
Break the Fast
Come enjoy some bagels and lox together at Hillel.
Wednesday, 9/23
Hillel, 5715 S. Woodlawn Ave
Opportunities for Thought:
Time, Reflection and Racial Justice
Thoughts on Time
It is said that our fate for the coming year is set as Yom Kippur ends. So how do we spend our time? How do we think about how we spend our time?
Join Hillel’s Executive Director, Andrea Hoffman for a mini-book group to look at themes of life and death. We’ll read and discuss two (very) short stories by David Eagleman from his book Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives, and a poem by Yehuda Amichai, A Man in His Life.
Wednesday, 9/23
Hillel, 5715 S. Woodlawn Ave
Reflective Walk to the Point
Find awe and wonder in the natural world all around us. Join with Josh on a low key walk to the lake for an opportunity to meet people and have some time to think.
Wednesday, 9/23
Hillel, 5715 S. Woodlawn Ave
Towards Racial Justice in America: a Radical Model for Social Change.
The biblical book of Jonah tells the story of a broken society that made extraordinary efforts to repent and change. Join Rev. Julian DeShazier, and Rabbi Anna Levin Rosen as they examine biblical and contemporary ideas towards a just society and provide a forum to explore the meaning of social responsibility in a diverse setting.
Wednesday, 9/23
Hillel, 5715 S. Woodlawn Ave
Opportunities for Prayer
All Hillel-led services will be held at Ida Noyes Hall at 1212 E. 59th Street.
Conservative Services:
Kol Nidrei 6:30-8:00 PM
Morning Services 9:30-12:30
Musaf 12:30-2:00
Afternoon 5:30-6:30
Neila 6:30-7:30
7:30 Everyone is welcome to enjoy some bagels and lox all together at Hillel.
Reform Services:
Kol Nidrei 6:30-8:00 PM
Morning Services 9:30-12:30
Mindfulness Meditation 12:30-1:30
Neila 6:30-7:30
7:30 Everyone is welcome to enjoy some bagels and lox all together at Hillel.
Orthodox Services:
Kol Nidrei 6:30-8:00 PM
Yom Kippur Day services will begin at 9:30
Specific times will be announced during services.
7:30 Everyone is welcome to enjoy some bagels and lox all together at Hillel.