Passover with the UChicago Hillel Community
All over the world, our Exodus story has been told at the table of Jewish families and we know that no two family seders are exactly alike. No matter where students are from, or what they are looking for, Hillel is offering comfortable homey seders that make memories for a lifetime.
We’re offering a diversity of seders, study breaks, speakers and celebrations – students can find our events on social media.
In addition to holding seders in the building we empower upperclass students to host in their apartments; providing everything they need and training to feel comfortable leading.
First Night Seders
Just What You Need Seder
With Rabbi Anna
Deep Dive Learning Seder
Led by Lilli and other students
Traditional Seder
Rabbi Yehudah and Hannah
Second Night Seder
Faculty and Friends
With Rabbi Anna
Israeli Seder
Led By Tamar
Learners Seder
Led By Lilli
Traditional Seder
Members of Yavneh Minyan
Inviting you to seder is act of hospitality; payment for the meal shouldn’t be part of the equation. We appreciate the Alumni, Parents, Faculty and students who choose to make meaningful gifts to ensure that everyone can ‘come and eat.’
